Worship ministry in the church has one aspect that is different from many of the other church ministries. It is visible to the entire congregation. It is part of the service. The people involved in worship ministries are seen on the platform each week. This creates an additional responsibility for each person who appears on the platform.
There is a different level of expectation when you are on a platform in front of a congregation. You are viewed as one of the representatives of the church, whether you’re a full-time staff member, part-time staff or a volunteer. People will notice your attitude, actions and interaction more … when you’re NOT on the platform. It is the nature of being in a visible place.
The connection you have with the congregation, with your brothers and sisters, with a first-time visitor who does not know Christ, does not begin when you step onto the platform … deeper connections begin at the front door of the church. In other words, connections are built through old-fashioned fellowship and interaction. A simple greeting of welcome and a smile.
Consider arriving early to greet members of the congregation coming in to the sanctuary and stay a few minutes late to connect with them as they leave. Developing this type of connection will strengthen the connection and leadership you desire to achieve in a worship ministry from the platform.
Is this possible for everyone? It may not be completely feasible if you’re in service at a large church. However, the majority of churches in the United States average 300 people or less in attendance.
When people know you care about them, when you show that you care about them, when you take a moment to display that you care about them, they will follow you in what you do. They will follow you into worship!
All to often worship leaders and worship teams wind up somewhat isolated from the congregation due to the nature of the worship ministry. Your team may be required to play music before the service begins or have a quick rehearsal or sound check, etc. But building a connection isn’t just for building the worship ministry, all to often when members of a worship team or worship leader rotate out of the ministry for a season, they discover that was their only connection and find themselves somewhat disconnected.
Find that front door, stay connected. Not only for the edification of the church, but for your own!